Trump 2020 Campaign Selects Nine Inch Nail’s “Closer To God” as the Offical Campaign Song


Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

In a Bold Move, the 2020 Trump campaign has selected “Closer to God” by Nine Inch Nails as its official 2020 presidential campaign song. In a telephone interview, Vice President Mike Pence commented on the selection-- “They had me with the title.”  Asked about the song selection process, Pence stated, “We had a campaign intern that we had to let go because of his sexual preferences. I met with him on his last day and told him I would pray that he would find a way to love women. He seemed touched by my offer and, as a parting gift to the campaign, suggested the song.  He felt nothing better expressed the relationship between President Trump and the public than the chorus of this song.” Asked if he had actually listened to the song, Mr. Pence shared that he and his wife Karen only listen to vinyl records from the ’50s and ’60s when “music was good”. “I’m going to surprise President Trump at his next rally with this song and I know he will love it.  He just returned from Arizona where he toured a mask factory without wearing a mask while “Live and Let Die” played in the background, so he understands the importance of music in setting the tone and raising spirits during this challenging time.” 

Fact-Checker: What wrong with BTO’s “Taking Care of Business” (Video Trump visiting an Arizona mask plant without a mask as Live and Let Die plays in the background. He has better writers than we do!)


As with most things today, any resemblance to the truth is purely accidental.


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