Ali asks: “Is my boss a racist?” The  First Installment of “Ask a Partner”

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In a Bold Move starts a new series called “Ask a Senior Leader”. In this ongoing series, a senior leader in a professional services firm will answer questions submitted by a staff person. 

Question: My name is Ali and I am a Senior Manager in a large professional services firm. When I look at my partner’s Twitter account and see who he follows, I see that most of his news sources are primarily right-wing leaning (Breitbart, Shawn Hannity, Laura Ingram, Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter, Blaze Media, Newsmax). Most of these sources have a decidedly anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant orientation. I looked to see if he was also following sources that provide some balance to these viewpoints, but I saw nothing. The political candidates both he and his wife support are anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, homophobic, anti-science, and racially divisive. Looking at where my leader gets his news concerns me. Does he prescribe to beliefs that are proposed by the media he consumes?  Should I be worried?

Answer: Don’t be so sensitive! I am sure that he reads these tweets just for entertainment. For him, it’s probably just like him watching snuff porn in the privacy of his own bedroom. It’s not like he’s going to kill someone-- he’s just doing it for fun. I am sure that his choice of news and the candidates he openly supports has NO impact on the way he views the world or you. 

Please submit additional questions. We have partners standing by to answer them. Stay billable!


As with most things today, any resemblance to the truth is purely accidental.


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