The Zip-Tie Guy May Be on Your Executive’s Private Payroll

Terrorist hunting to capture VP Mike Pence and other members of Congress

Terrorist hunting to capture VP Mike Pence and other members of Congress

It’s time to make a bold move and follow the money. Terrorist organizations require messaging, money, and manpower. When you look at the terrorist pictured above, you are only looking at the last mile of an organization that may trace its roots to your company's executive C-suite. The man carrying the zip ties was there because he was told he could make “make a difference” by our president and his supporters. The President, Representative Mo Brooks, Senator Ted Cruz, and Senator Josh Hawley are in place because of the money and validation that they receive from wealthy individual and corporate donors.  This is where your company's executives and partners come in to play. Many of the people that you work for are the money sources for the terrorists that attacked our capital. Without their money, Zip Tie Guy (there are actually two of them) would be back at home probably making less dangerous life decisions. The only reason that Zip Tie Guy was there is that he was summoned to come to the Capitol and told that through illegal actions, he could overflow the will of the people. We must attack the infrastructure that made the Zip-Tie guy feel that this was a better life decision than staying in his mother’s apartment and watching reruns of Duck Dynasty. 

One of the key tools to fight global terrorist organizations is to attack their money and influence sources. . It is a tool that the US has used post 9/11 on an inconsistent basis, isolating Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea. (While leaving the Saudi government free reign to spread radicalism across the Middle East and allowing them to kill and dismember US citizens. But they do love Trump). The objective of these efforts is to neutralize the influence and resources that these nation-states provide to the terrorist organizations and those that sponsor terrorism. 

I have spoken to several good friends that were Trump supporters and have now turned on him and want him out. The people that continue to support Trump and his legislative enablers should be identified and confronted. They are in a position of great influence and have the financial means to continue to support those that advocate and commit domestic terrorism. The reason Mo Brooks, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley continue to exist is that some wealthy executives are cynical enough to attend their $250 plate galas. Going forward, a price must be paid by those who tacitly support Zip Tie Guy through their money and influence. The executive that you work for has the money and influence which are the oxygen and water for the politicians that have led this insurrection. Cutting that money and influence is key to reducing this domestic terrorist threat. 

Here is what you can do to address these executives:

  1. Find out where they have made political contributions (Google their names + political contributions- it’s that easy). What were the organizations and individuals and what role did they play in instigating the 1/6/2021 terrorist attack?   Put weight on those contributions that were made to support the 2020 elections. Supporting Trump in 2016 is one thing, supporting Trump in 2020 is another.

  2. Look at the social media feed of your executives and their spouses since 1/6/2021. Are they expressing remorse for what happened to our nation or are they expressing remorse for Trump losing his Twitter feed and trying to create a moral equivalency between the Capitol terrorist attack and the summer protests against the killing of George Floyd?

  3. Approach them in a non-accusatory manner and ask them about their thoughts about 1/6/21. I had this conversation with three of my Trump-supporting friends and all expressed remorse for their votes and hoped he would be thrown in jail.  If you get a contrite response, do the following:

    1. Express thanks and tell them that you understand. They probably feel worse about recent events than you do because they are nuanced enough to understand how they contributed to them. For many of us, the events of 1/6/21 were predictable. For them, this was their leader and they feel betrayed and embarrassed. 

    2. Suggest to them that they send out a communication related to their change of heart and how the events of 1/6/21 have affected their views. Their voices matter much more than yours based on their greater resources and influence. 

    3. Suggest that they give to an organization that is targeted at identifying and bringing to justice domestic terrorist organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center.

  4. If you get a less contrite response, consider other options. 

    1. Ask the executive if their political views reflect those of the board and the investors. As of yesterday, a growing list of corporations is pulling back money that they have given to politicians that have supported the insurrection.  

    2. Create dissent within your organization with like-minded people. It was Twitter employees and executives that got CEO Jack Dorsey to shut off Trump.

    3. Leave the organization. If you are in consulting, remember you are the product and without you, your partner and his or her leaders have no factory.

    4. Once you have left, use social media to highlight their positions. You are probably much more skilled at social media than they are. They will have a tough time trying to backtrack and not look worse. If they lose their cool, amplify it. These guys belong and are on the boards of charitable/civic organizations. 

Today I heard that there are armed organizations preparing to stage attacks on or before January 20th at each of our state capitols.  As employees and business people, let’s cut off the money and influence that is feeding the terrorists that are intent on destroying our country.

Fact-Checker: This is not funny 


As with most things today, any resemblance to the truth is purely accidental.


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