KPMG Consultant “Drunk Submits” an “Accurate” Time Report

Helen KPMG timereport.PNG

In a Bold Move, KPMG consultant Helen Tucker, 25, of San Jose, CA “drunk submitted” her weekly time report. “I was at my friend’s house and it was Sunday and after a few hours of beer pong, I decided to send in an accurate time report for the week.  Last year I spent seven months working 65 hours a week but was unstaffed for the rest of the year which resulted in me not getting a raise or bonus. This is friggin’ crazy since I got a stellar project review for my seven project months.  Because I did not get a raise last year, the incoming staff this year who work under me make more money than I do. Other than doing a great job on my projects, I have NO control if I get staffed. Given what is happening in the economy with this stupid virus, my chance of my pay catching up is gone. I see my partner’s Facebook and he and his wife have spent the year vacationing all over the world. Why wasn’t he off selling work and creating long term relationships that would help us now when times are bad?  What is he doing during this time right now--- polishing his Porsche, organizing his wine cellar?  What’s the charge code for that shit?  I look forward to my next meeting with our business unit leader  where he will attempt to use golf analogies to explain why I’m not going to make Senior.“

On Tuesday at 10:00 AM, In a Bold Move attempted to reach Ms. Tucker’s partner for a comment but he was out of cell range.

Fact-Checker Comment: As a former consulting partner, I find this to be inaccurate given that many of us do not have wine collections. We also want to apologize to our non-professional service readers. This is an inside-baseball consulting article.


As with most things today, any resemblance to the truth is purely accidental.


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