President Trump Refuses To Rename Hitler Air Force Base


In a Bold Move, President Trump announced that he would not consider the renaming of Hitler Air Force Base and other US military facilities named after WWII Axis leaders or other controversial figures. During a press conference in Dallas, Mr. Trump made the following comments: "Some politically correct leftist opportunists are looking to take advantage of the current situation to move along their liberal agendas. Adolph Hitler Air Force Base, founded in 1947 outside of Huntsville, Alabama, has a rich and proud history as the development and test site for some of our nation's greatest weapons systems." Hitler AFB began its life as a transport hub and was used to ferry in former Nazi Rocket Scientists to work at the Redstone Arsenal in support of United States missile and rocket programs. It later became a test facility for munitions development and testing. The base is best known as the "Home of the Cluster Bomb" and is the US Air Force's center of excellence for the development and testing of weapons intended for use against civilians and other soft targets. 

"Some people say Hitler was a bad guy, a nasty guy, but others who know the real story understand that it was under Hitler that some of the greatest developments in rocketry and aviation took place," said President Trump.  

The President is also resisting the renaming of the General Tojo Naval Weapons Station (NWS). Tojo NWS carries the name of the Japanese General who was the mastermind of Japanese the attack on Pearl Harbor. Located on Midway Island in the Pacific, Tojo NWS is the US Pacific Fleet's munitions depot for the Pacific. "Almost every bomb we dropped in Vietnam and North Korea flowed through Tojo NWS. Renaming it would be a slight on our troops, my Generals, and our allies in the region," stated Mr. Trump. 

"We also have bases across our country named after the great generals that fought the savages that lived on our great and beautiful... really before our boys in blue liberated it. Next thing you know, Senator Elisabeth "Pocahontas" Warren will be whining about that too. People need to know that I respect winners and fighters, no matter what side they were on. Closing Hitler Air Force Base will not be part of my administration's final solution." 

Fact Checker: And Hitler had a bunker too!


As with most things today, any resemblance to the truth is purely accidental.


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