Unexpected Steering Wheel Detachment on Tesla Model Y ‘Feature Not a Bug’, decries Musk

Source: Photo by Roberto Nickson: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-sitting-inside-car-2526127/

In a Bold Move, Elon Musk stated, "Stupid government regulators are mistaking a feature for a bug. Our test of the Model Y's steering wheel ‘self-obsolete’ feature demonstrates the control system redundancy provided by the Model Y’s autopilot capability. Sure, we received some bad press from small-minded journalists, unable to understand the genius move we have made in having some of our steering wheels come loose in our customers’ hands," stated Musk in an interview with Kara Swisher on her podcast, On with Kara Swisher. (1)

During the podcast, Musk stated, "We needed to test the Model Y's self-driving capability, so we decided to conduct a thought experiment. What better way to test our self-driving algorithm than to eliminate the steering wheel altogether? We are the only automaker bold enough to put our customers’ lives on the line to prove our engineering prowess. We know that our customers love their Teslas and are happy to be part of an un-knowing test of our vehicle's fault-tolerant capabilities," stated Musk. "We prepared unique cars with onboard driver cams to record the driver's surprised look when left holding a self-ejected steering wheel while driving at highway speeds. It was interesting to watch humans show emotions and feelings. It's so amusing… they can be so weak and funny simultaneously," stated Musk.

Musk enthusiasts are lining up behind the billionaire to sing his praises for this last ‘stroke of genius’. "This confirms my desire to go back in time and be one of Elon's love children!" stated @mewantsaderall. "Makes me want to buy a Tesla even more if I could afford it," tweeted @livinginmymomsbasement. Musk showed his appreciation of Twitter fans by re-tweeting @unwantedtoucher's tweet, "Elon rules, others drool, steering wheels are for sheeplike fools."  

Musk was especially upset by the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's investigation into these incidents. "We know which cars have the self-obsolete feature. An app can turn it off, just like our battery fire feature. The impact of this recall puts into question the US government's commitment to fighting climate change," stated Musk.  "It reminds me of that cowardly ‘pedo guy’ that rescued those Thai kids and refused to use my unproven submarine. I have the platform and the audacity to call out anyone who questions the genius of my technology. I will take down the government if this unreasonable harassment continues. My words move markets!” (2)(3)

The hard-hitting Swisher ended the interview by asking Musk his favorite color. Musk answered, “7”.

Fact Checker: This makes me question my investment in Dogecoin





As with most things today, any resemblance to the truth is purely accidental.


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